Monday, November 23, 2009

Different Types of Hunting and Shooting part 2

This is a continuation from my last post on different types of Hunting and Shooting. In the last post i told you about Pheasant shooting and in this post I'm going to be talking a little about duck shooting.

Duck Shooting

Duck shooting in Ireland where I'm from starts on the 1st of September and finishes on the 31st of January every year. Duck shooting is totally different from pheasant hunting its more of a waiting game in my opinion. You don't walk around after ducks or usually use dogs to flush them either. When after duck you would use camouflaged hides on wetlands or beside rivers and lakes. The best part of the day for hunting ducks would be early morning before the sun comes up or late evening before the sun begins to set. Now a days hunters use decoys and calls for luring the ducks into shooting range instead of just waiting for the birds to come in. The best type of dog for duck hunting or shooting would be the Retriever as the dogs would only be used for picking the birds of the water and from around the wetlands and these types of dog love the water. the most common gun used is usually the semi-automatic shotguns for shooting duck as the ducks usually fly in small groups and these kind of shotguns can usually fire up to 5 shots. These guns would be the better option for duck shooting instead of the double barrel shot guns. If your a patient hunter and like the water you should give duck shooting a try. Well that's all from me at My Hunting and Shooting Gazette for now make sure and check back again soon.

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